In Fredericksburg and Virginia Beach we provide the best family dog training classes. There are so many benefits associated with expert dog training, but the key to success is knowledge and experience coupled with a true love of dogs, an understanding of the various breeds and a broad field of expertise.
Dogs need discipline. There’s no question about that. But positive training with gentle firmness and non- hostile techniques (shock collars and the like) is a must. At Wag Ur Tail Dog Training we do not utilize shock collars in our dog training.
A well-trained dog makes life so much nicer and easier. No more jumping on you or your guests (muddy paws and all). No more ignoring your commands in order to chase a cat. No more accidents on the new carpet or dragging you down the street on the end of a leash or stealing pizza off the counter. Knowing how to quickly, lovingly and permanently achieve these ends is what dog training is all about, and when it’s done with love and patience you and your dog will be the happier for it. Dogs naturally want to please you, but they don’t always know how. Once the training is complete for both of you, you will have a pet you are proud to take anywhere you and your best friend happen to go. At home there will be fewer problems and many, many rewards with a dog that listens to you and one who is pleased to obey your commands and enjoy your company in a peaceful household.
Dog Behaviors To Watch & Curb
Since humans first domesticated the canine, it has been up to us to teach them how to live with us peacefully. But, for many dog owners, life with their furry companion is anything but peaceful. Some pet behaviors, such as aggression and scavenging are obviously problematic. Others, like digging, barking at the front door, or sitting on the furniture, are subject to the owner’s discretion. With a little understanding and a few positive training techniques, you can make living with your dog more pleasant for both of you. Our trainers at Wag Ur Tail know that there are many options for dog training in Fredericksburg and Virginia Beach, but regardless of who you choose, these are some of the most common dog behaviors that all dog owners should work on stopping.
Leash Pulling
Walking your dog should be enjoyable for both the pets and the owners. Nobody enjoys being dragged all over the road by their pet. It’s not only unpleasant, but it’s also dangerous. Pulling can cause injury to both the pet and the owner. Dogs that dart away from their owners are at risk for traffic accidents.
However, it’s not uncommon to observe dogs pulling their owners down the street. One of the first things that dogs need to learn is how to walk on the leash. If you aren’t sure how to fix this problem, you may want to get a consultation. If you are looking for dog training, Wag Ur Tail should be your first stop to get the help you need.
Greeting Visitors Excitedly
Many friendly dogs have a habit of rushing to greet visitors. They are happy to have company and want to greet them properly. Their wagging tails, excited jumping, licking and even happy barking may seem cute, but it can be a real problem. Some people fail to curb this behavior in small breeds, but in larger breeds, this could be a real problem. To avoid injuring your guests, ruining or soiling clean clothes, or frightening people who may not be comfortable around dogs, its best to teach Fido to sit while visitors enter and greet them with four feet on the ground.
Pulling on the Leash
Taking your dog for a walk should be fun for both your dog and yourself. Nobody likes being dragged all over the road by their pet. It’s not only unpleasant, but it’s also dangerous. Pulling can cause injury to yourself and your dog. Dogs that dart away from their owners are at risk for traffic accidents. However, it’s not uncommon to observe dogs pulling their owners down the street. One of the first things that dogs need to learn is how to walk on the leash. If you aren’t sure how to fix this problem, you may want to get a consultation. If you are looking for dog training, Wag Ur Tail should be your first stop to get the help you need.
Chasing is normal and instinctual for all dogs. Some breeds, bred as working dogs, have a higher prey drive than others. It’s normal for dogs to want to chase other animals, people, bicycles, and even cars. The results can be devastating. There is no way to keep your pet from attempting to chase, there are techniques you can use to break off the chase or prevent it altogether. One of these techniques is training your dog to come when called. You see this technique used a lot with herding dogs. At Wag Ur Tail you can learn how to keep control of your dog on and off-leash and minimize chasing.
There is a difference between biting and mouthing, but in many cases, the line is blurred. Puppies bite and nip as a way of exploring their environment and as part of normal play. As they grow up they learn how hard they can bite and who they can and cannot use their teeth on. Unfortunately, many dog owners allow this behavior to go on too long and playful nips become serious injuries. There are many other reasons why dogs may bite. Injury, illness, fear, and nervousness may drive your dog to use his teeth. Before you attribute biting to aggression, check with a professional.
It’s important to note that sudden changes in your pet’s behavior may be a sign of illness. If a friendly dog suddenly begins to be aggressive, or a housebroken dog begins to eliminate inappropriately your first stop should be at your vet’s office. These can be signs of illness or stress. Talking to a dog trainer or your vet can help you get to the bottom of the problem. Once you’ve eliminated the possibility of illness, it may be time to give Wag Ur Tail a call for dog training.