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12 Benefits of a 2-week boarding program
In a 2-week board and training service, your dog stays at the trainer’s home or facility while being trained. With in-home boarding, your dog stays at the trainer’s house and will learn the basics of indoor living. Benefits of a 2-week board and training service Dogs...
Make the Crate a Safe Space
Crates are a useful training tool and a great way to create a safe place for any dog. Making the crate a safe space helps protect your dog. And it provides a comfortable space for them. Like many aspects of training, the earlier you start, the easier it will be for...
A Dog Is A Friend For Life
Dogs want to please you and love you. It’s what they live for. With their sensitive noses, they smell everything, but their favorite smell is human. And the very best smell of all is their human. A well-trained dog will bring more joy, laughter, security and love into...